Why do people lose interest?
As of 10PM Friday night, there are 63 downloads of part 1, and 36 of part 2 for the Richard Senate show. This pattern seems to repeat itself quite a bit. After listening to part 1, about half the listeners seem to have no interest in part 2. What am I supposed to do? Perhaps I should emulate Art Saint Bell and start mid-show breaks with a cliffhanger. Creeping commercialism rears its head.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
At November 11, 2006 4:49 PM,
LesleyinNM said…
I can only speak for myself, but many times I will listen to the first half of a show and not have time for the second half, then as things come up I end up forgetting about it and not remembering until a later date.
At November 11, 2006 5:29 PM,
Greg Bishop said…
That might be part of the problem. For myself, I ususally give into the hoarding instinct and download as much as I can and worry about listening to it later in the car when I'm trapped and need something new to listen to.
Thanks for the input!
At November 11, 2006 6:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm like you, Greg--my laptop is full of stuff to listen to whenever I need something different. I've downloaded both parts of the Senate interview--pt 1 was great. I'll be listening to pt 2 tomorrow, probably.
BTW, the "hollow earth" episode with you, Walter Bosley and Ralph Coon is one of the best shows of any kind I've heard. Does Bosley have a blog? I have the feeling he'd have some interesting things to say.
Also btw, I've ordered "wake up down there" from Amazon--looking forward to it very much.
At November 11, 2006 6:58 PM,
Greg Bishop said…
Hey Matt!
Do you know who's taking over for Moseley in 20 years or so, when he can't do the zine anymore?
Thanks for the compliment on the show. Along with the Bill Moore shows, it's one of the most downloaded ones, I think.
Walter doesn't have a blog, but he has a Yahoo group. He doesn't talk about hollow earth stuff on it much. I think it's called "Adventure Man Travel Consultant."
At November 11, 2006 7:07 PM,
Greg Bishop said…
Wait, you're not Matt! I made the mistake of looking at the most recent post on your blog, which was ABOUT Matt Graeber.
Whoops. Sorry.
At November 11, 2006 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
No prob-- it's nice to be mistaken for someone cool...
At November 13, 2006 5:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
For me, it's just that I have too many things to keep up on; to read, to listen to. I miss out on a lot because I don't have the time. (unlike some who think us UFO obsessed types have nothing better to do :) I'm always bookmarking and saving things, only to finally get to it weeks later.
At November 14, 2006 10:45 PM,
Greg Bishop said…
Thanks for all of your comments. I should have thought of people's busy schedules (just like me!) I do the same thing with all the info I'm supposed to be interested in, but yes, I have a lot of other agendas as well.
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