The Excluded Middle

Forum for those interested in the vast, uncharted wasteland between Yes and No, I believe/ I don't believe schism that exists in the study of UFOs and the paranormal in general. Also the writings and thoughts of Excluded Middle magazine co-founder and publisher/ editor Greg Bishop.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I Have A New Blog

It seems getting this blog off the ground somehow created a bump in the multiverse of causality and something we'd been kicking back and forth with a legitimate company for over a year finally came to fruition.

I don't know if this means that this blog will be defunct. Perhaps some sort of symbiosis can be run between the two, where I post things here that aren't allowed on the commercial site for reasons of taste, controversy, or politics. Already, I have something over there in edit mode that I'm not sure that I want to post. I will never refer to this site at the other one, so this can be our secret.

I am joined in this undertaking by Nick Redfern, a writer whom I share many of the same opinions about the UFO subject.

Seeya over at ufomystic.


  • At December 22, 2006 5:59 PM, Blogger Greg Bishop said…

    I wasn't sure anyone was checking here anymore. I'm still working with the webmaster on posting audio files. Actually, you bring up a good point. I thought I would have to spend hours transcribing interviews, wheras I suppose that I can just post the mp3s. Yay!

    Seeya over at the new site.

  • At November 23, 2007 4:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello.....This is Jim Reswati here.
    If you are the same Spacebrother that I know from the B4B page then feel free to contact me at


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